Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 24: Visit With Family

This is Maile. She was born in late Januray but I just met her for the first time today. Her family lives about three hours from me, which is not far but not close enough to see them on a regular basis. For previous visits, I've taken the train or bus and stayed for a night or two -- sometimes even bringing Ginger. But that was before they had two babies. Now I like to visit for a day at a time, and it's one time when having a car would be nice.

So, today, my parents picked me up in the city and we drove together to see all our family that lives in the area -- my uncle, four cousins, three of their spouses and 12 kiddies. It was a crazy day of babies, sunshine and pizza, but I left, as always, wishing I lived closer to that crazy crew. As Shawn and I continue to make our home and establish our life here in NYC, I doubt we'll ever pick up and move toward the Philadelphia suburbs. But, you never know. 

If nothing else, today's trip reminded me to make time for the people I care about. It might be a hassle to drive 6 hours in one day to spend a few hours with a close friend or family member, but what you will remember are those precious moments, conversations and laughs. You will never regret making those trips, no matter how long the drive. 

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