Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 9: Make Time For My Husband

I distinctly remember telling Shawn that I was planning to go to business school on the day we met. I said it matter of factly in an effort to make myself less desirable to him. Clearly, it worked.

Instead of running away when my plans for going back to school became reality and not just plans and dreams, Shawn stuck by me and helped me through my rough two years of school. And they were rough. At first I was underwater, overwhelmed and spending late nights meeting with study groups on campus or working on spreadsheets and marketing projects in our apartment. Near the end of my nonstop first semster, we got engaged, and the stress and work of planning a wedding compounded with the stress and work of making it through school. Once we got married last summer, I still had one year ahead of me, filled with less work but more social and club commitments and an internship two days a week.

Needless to say, we've spent much of our marriage too busy to spend time together. Now that only one of us has any real commitments, I figured making time for each other would be a no-brainer. But in the past few weeks, as I've adjusted to not having to get up and go to school or work every day, I've realized just how much work making time for Shawn, and getting him to make time for me, will be. 

Now that I've identified this issue, I told Shawn I wanted him to make this a priority, too. Since I'm leaving tomorrow for Florida (without Shawn or Ginger), I was pleasantly surprised when Shawn made extra time for me today. We went out for lunch together, something that was a pure luxury. He took time to step away from his desk (which, since he works from home most days, is our kitchen table) and took me to Soho for a decadent Italian meal. Later, we took Ginger for a walk together and cooked dinner together as we watched Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals. The game was depressing for two Rangers fans, but spending the evening just sitting on the couch with my hubby was heartwarming. It was exactly the kind of love and attention I needed before leaving town to spend a week with Shawn's parents (more on that later). Today, I'm a happy wife.

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