Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 6: Work On Updating My Wardrobe

Do you ever look at your closet and hate everything in it? This happens to me more often than not these days. I hold on to a lot of clothing for sentimental reasons, and others because I hope one day to fit into them again. Then there is the in between -- clothing I don't even particularly like but wear because it fits me, covers what needs to be covered and generally gets the job done. What fun is that?

So, I've made one of my goals this summer to get rid of the old, faded, ugly and unstylish. While I don't have a lot of money to blow on new clothes before my paychecks start, I want to start shopping in new stores and work to define my own style.

Today, after a lunch with friends, I made a stop at a new store and picked up some new things. I'll have to return two out of three of the things I bought since the dressing room line was too long for me to want to wait on (this is typically the way I shop) but I felt good about starting off on conquering this goal. 

In the end, the clothes will be just one part of a complete, upgraded adult life. Regular exercise, better diet, less drinking, spending quality time with my husband, meditation -- these are all part of what I want from my lifie once I get back to a working schedule. I'm on my way.

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