Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 3: Go To The Gym

Two years in business school can wreak havoc on a waistline -- especially the waistline of someone like me who hates going to the gym even when I have the time and the energy. It's been over two years since Shawn and I moved in together, which is when I quit the gym and started eating excessively and drinking daily (mostly his fault). By the time I had started school six months later, I had already gained a significant amount of weight.

Last January, I re-joined a gym in an effort to get into shape for our wedding the following August. I managed to drop some pounds before the wedding thanks to better habits and anxiety -- but not because I got better at going to the gym. And, all the weight was back again after we ate our weight in butter and cheese in Europe for two weeks on our honeymoon. I even added some more in the last few months of school!

Flash forward to now -- its summer, we have a place to stay at the beach every weekend and I can't bring myself to sit on the beach in a bathing suit. I won't feel comfortable in my own body until I can look in the mirror and recognize myself again. Therefore, one of my biggest goals this summer is to go the gym. Combined with eating better (and less) and drinking less, going to the gym will help me get back to fighting weight.

Today, I woke up early, took the dog for a walk and got my butt to the gym. I was showered and dressed and ready in time to meet a friend for coffee at 11:30 and I felt incredibly accomplished. Will I be able to do this every day during the summer? Not likely. But if I get into the habit of going to the gym 3-4 days a week, I will be happy.


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